Fireplaces Denver: Top 3 Places to Buy & Install

fireplace installation in denverThis season brings together a large collection of fireplaces Denver that can make your living room truly stand out. With the winter season in full effect, there are numerous fireplaces that can be purchased to make your home one that is not only beautiful, but ready for the cold weather ahead.

Celtic Style

Beautiful Celtic style fireplaces are being seen all over the state. While this is not the fireplace itself, it will be the beautiful trim that is seen surrounding it. These are made with intricate stonework being done and they may even have pillars or granite used for an attached mantle. While expensive, this is the true beauty that people seek when thinking of the absolute best design for a fireplace.

Inset Style

Many people are moving towards the inset style. This style allows homes to have a very modern look and ensures that no space is wasted in the process. These fireplaces are built directly into the wall or have their own stone surroundings so that they have the appearance of being inset. This is a very beautiful design that can be made with a wood burning or electric fireplace.

Electric Options

While some people want to lower their heating costs and will use a wood burning fireplace, others simply want the ambiance that a fireplace provides. This has led to many people choosing electric fireplaces over their wood burning counterparts. They are very fashionable and are currently seeing a major surge in popularity.

Steel Fireplaces

Get rid of the rustic look and move towards a more modern style with the steel fireplace design. They have the same functionality as their stone counterparts, but are much more modern. Steel set ups also often have a protruding area where a person can literally sit next to the fireplace to warm up.